


Dangaronpa and therapy with DR. ALBERT KRUEGER.

Game mechanics:

Underneath the Same Moon and Mirror Girl, for the choice part.

Material used:

the font:

Google Fonts for the Geo font.



Bandlab, which I used to make minor changes to sounds (make it louder, add a sound trajectory, make footsteps faster, create the splashscreen music and so on...)


-Melodigne's Story music from Pixabay for the main menu music.

Renpy help:

Personal help:

HG707, who explained how to make an animated main menu.

BadMustard_AVN, who explained to me my error on persistent data, which allowed me to finish my game.


Random who is a French YouTuber, who explained the basics of dialogues:

 Zeil Learnings for the GUI customization tutorial on dialogues and splash screens:

SwedishGameDev for quick tutorials on how to make the game fullscreen, how to add a typewriter effect for the dialogue, change the game icons, add a music for the main menu:

ubodupDev for the main menu GUI:

cyper who explained how to make choices:

Donmai, who made me understand how to make my Dialogue and my Choice in the same window:

Game Developer Training, who explained how to customize choices:

I may have forgotten some people during the process, if you think you were part of the process, please write a comment on the game saying who you are and what you did or DM me.

Get Last Words - Single Choice Game Jam

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