
Since it's my first video game, my writing is also quite poor. 

Despite that, I try to go beyond the obvious dialogue.

Some texts have a double meaning, for example, at the end of the first playthrough, you have this final text:

[...]You know he will struggle.

Outside of the loss, it's the missing parental role that will hurt him the most.

You can only hope your wife will find a new partner, who will fill that gap.

The one you, yourself, failed as.

He is too young to see how bad of a father you are.

Maybe it's for the best.

This last sentence has 2 meanings:

1. It's for the best that the son is too young to see he is a bad father (the meaning you're supposed to pick first.)

2. The second meaning, is that he thinks his death is for the best, as he views himself as a bad father, who is replaceable. (the one you would understand looking back at it or if you saw the story coming.)

Get Last Words - Single Choice Game Jam

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